Time & Talents
Welcome to our page

Winterslow has a wide range of groups, clubs, and organizations, which put on fantastic opportunities for residents to engage in, within the parish and beyond. All run by volunteers, utilising the great facilities provided by the Village Hall, Barry’s Field Sports and Social complex and the Recreation Ground Pavilion.

Time and Talents is an initiative that was set up to highlight these wide ranging groups and organisations so that they can raise their profile, attract volunteers and tap into the wide and various talents that people have, such as IT experience, bookkeeping (to name just two), which could benefit the groups moving forward. The latter registering their skills and availability by having an entry on the Skills Register.

In order to celebrate our enriched community a working group was established. This group of volunteers coordinated the project entitled Time & Talents, one of the aims, of which, was to produce a booklet containing a comprehensive list of all the opportunities for parishioners to engage with these volunteer groups, as participants and volunteers, highlighted by personalised entries from all those subscribing.

Winterslow Village Hall

The booklet was delivered to all households in the Winterslows, Lopcombe Corner and Firsdown in March 2024.

There is an important message inherent in the Booklet. Groups and organisations need to continually attract new members and volunteers if they are to remain viable. So, you are invited in the Booklet, to consider how you can personally guarantee their future by joining and getting involved in something you will enjoy and benefit from, or volunteering. You can utilise the online Return Slip if you prefer.

Please take the time to read through the booklet.

If you are a community minded person who would like to volunteer, but like so many of us these days, lead a hectic life and cannot commit to a regular involvement with a group, then use the Return Slip and contact Foxy, who will put your name on the Skills Register.

Skills Register
AI Artwork Creation (screen or printed)

Data Analysis and Management

Digital Image Manipulation

Events Organisation

High Level teaching in Maths and English (A Level +)

Leaflet/Poster Design

New Age Photo Manipulation

Old School Computing

Proof Reading


Survey Designing

Technical Report Authoring

Updating Websites

If you wish to utilise any of the listed skills on the Skills Register please provide your contact details on the Return Slip and advise which skill you would like to utilise.

What is It?

It is an opportunity for community minded residents, who would like to contribute some time to help our other volunteers running our wide range of groups and activities but cannot commit to a regular involvement in the short term. However, they would be willing to get involved in one off projects or on a regular basis if they could work from home. This could be, for example be offering support with IT requirements, fundraising/ sponsorship, grant applications, admin support, accounting, graphics/design, recruitment, hands on practical work etc.

Finally - Have YOU got any ideas for new activities, groups etc?

What about a canasta night, shared supper evening, singing groups, book reviews, tango or salsa lessons, flower arranging, origami tutorials, Bonzi Tree cultivation, banjo classes, crib, Bell Ringing, or a talent that you have that other parishioners would like the opportunity to develop.

Simply make contact with Foxy using the the online Return Slip and he will help you get things up and running.

For more details have a look in the copy of the booklet.
Winterslow Village Hall